Aces Europe Gala 2016
On 16 November at 17.30h in the Room 2Q2 of the European Parliament will be held the awards ceremony of ACES Europe 2016. More than 30 cities will collect the award as City, Community and European Town of Sport 2017 with Marseille as the main protagonist of the day which receives the award from Prague as European Capital of Sport 2017. Likewise also attend the event Capitals Sofia 2018, Budapest 2019, Malaga 2020 and the candidates for 2021 Lisbon and The Hague.
A full house room with over 300 seats available and the presidency of the event by Gian F. Lupattelli, president and founder of ACES is expected EUROPE; Tibor Navracsics, European Sports Commissioner; Silvia Costa (MEP), Chair Culture Committee; Santiago Fisas (MEP), chairman Inter Parliamentary Group Sports; Andrey Kovatchev (MEP), chairman of the Goupe Consultative Européen (GCE); Nymand Jens Christensen, deputy director Education, Culture, Youth and Sports Commission.
This year as a novelty, a news awarded will be delivered as European Sport and healthy Company. The first in being recognized is Cofares fro Spain. An award that recognizes the sport and healthy politics in the corporate world in partnership with DCH.