Kosice launches the EWoS’16
Kosice, European City of Sport 2016 in Slovakia will be the place where the European Week of Sport will be launched next September 10th by European Commission. The municipality is working in an extensive and complete agenda for the occasion with sport events, press conference and other activities to host this important day that includes the whole week until September 17th.
‘We are very proud of what Kosice gets in terms of sport thanks to be nominated European City of Sport. They are a really good example of what the title offers to the city and Mr. Rasi is a Mayor who believes 100% in the sport and the physical activity benefits which helps to develop better policies in this way’ said Mr. Lupattelli, president and founder of ACES Europe.
The 2016 Week will be officially opened by Commissioner Tibor Navracsics and other high-level representatives of the European institutions and the sport world, from Košice, Slovakia, in the morning of Saturday 10 September.