Teleturf, six months running
Half a year developing Teleturf project.
Here the results:
Six months have passed since we started the TELETURF project. The official launch of this European project took place in the offices of the Municipal Sports Foundation of València (FDM), a place chosen for the first face-to-face meeting among participant partners, where tasks, responsibilities, deadlines, risks were defined and each partner laid the foundations to start working. In that meeting the representatives of FDM, Biomechanical Institute of València (IBV), the Dutch Laboratory KIWA-ISA SPORT, the Association of European Capitals of Sport (ACES), the Association of Sports Professional Managers in València Region (GEPACV) and the Maintenance Company CESPEVAL programmed the first steps of a path that should lead us to the creation of contents that allow structuring a training program in order to improve the conditions of safety and quality in the artificial turf sports fields, as well as extend its useful life, all this through the improvement of its maintenance.
These first months have been intense work, which has been developed in a double way:
– Creation of all the management documents that will allow to plan, control and evaluate each of the steps in the project: Quality Plan, Exploitation Plan, Dissemination Plan and creation of the website
– The specialized technical work necessary to create the contents of our project.
In regard to this second section you can also consult two documents: Report with maintenance requirements and Report with training preferences of work package. These documents are the result of the activities led by the IBV, which have been carried out with the collaboration of the rest of the partners, in order to extract, collect and analyze the training preferences and the needs of the target group.
Methodological process followed to obtain these training needs of the professionals involved in the maintenance management of artificial turf fields has been developed in two stages: a qualitative first one, followed by a second one that can be considered quantitative.
1. In the first phase, the information has been obtained through personal meetings with professionals in the sector, either through focus groups or through personal interviews. As a result of this work, training needs have been established, used to define a survey of specific questions in the next phase.
2. In this second phase, the aforementioned survey has been implemented on the platform, allowing users to respond online to the questions posed and analyze the results in a simple manner. All the partners that are part of the project have disseminated this link among their professional networks, thus obtaining representative results from several areas of European geography, in addition to supposing an effective work of dissemination of the project.
The enormous task of data collection carried out has allowed the development of contents that we consider adequate to be implemented in the final product of our project. In order to obtain the highest quality, and have the approval of the end user, in a next phase (which we will explain later when talking about future actions) these contents will be subject to an evaluation carried out by experts outside the project , which must validate in a definitive way the technical work executed until today.
It is important to highlight the profuse work of dissemination that has been carried out in parallel to the completion of these tasks. The different partners have used their contacts network to extend our project beyond the limits of our own entities. We show below some relevant data in this regard:
– As for the countries, the number of national and international contacts has been balanced. We can highlight the feedback obtained from Spain (56%), France (14%), Belgium (11%) and Portugal (11%). If we go into depth and put the focus on the cities, data have been obtained in more than 60% of cities outside those directly involved in the consortium.
– With regard to the international aspect, analyzing the nature of the entities, the heterogeneity between the public and the private has been sought, as explained above. Examples of public entities are Umag (Croatia), North Lanarkshire (UK), Evrotas, Olympia, Drama (Greece), Liepaja (Latvia), La Chauxde-Fonds (Switzerland), Ostend (Belgium). Private companies related to the purpose of our project are LABOSPORT, SANDMASTER or QUALISPORTS, all of them from France and with great international relevance.
Following this line of analysis, it is also worth noting the information regarding our website, which can complement these notes we are making regarding the dissemination of the project:
– Visits website .- Currently our website has 1426 visits, with a rebound of these in the month of September. The users amount to 208, with an average duration of the session of 04:32 minutes.
– Distribution of visits by country. – As for the countries, we had obtained until today users from 30 different countries, and although the attention is focused obviously in Europe, with 76% of users, it should be noted that 18% of all users come from America’s Continent and 4% from Asia. In the following graphics we can observe the distribution of users by countries in the World and by cities in the European Union.
We are approaching an important date in the TELETURF project calendar: the event that will take place in Marseille next November 30 and December 1. This international meeting has a double aspect:
– On the one hand, it is the second meeting that will be held between all the members of the consortium in person. It is time to analyze the work done to date, compare with the forecasts of the schedule, analyze the risks and costs and plan the next steps. This eminently administrative part will serve to exercise the tasks of control and planning of the project, and will be held on December 1.
– On the other hand, the City Council of Marseille organizes a Multiplier Event around the event. The day of November 30 will be held different papers of technical specialists in artificial turf, both public and private. Surely it will be an interesting meeting to exchange ideas and knowledge by all attendees.
Likewise, the presence of specialist guests from outside the project will be used to carry out the validation of the contents generated so far, as indicated above.
In short, the project is progressing as established, waiting for this important event that awaits us in the city of Marseille, and that surely will mark the following actions to undertake.