Reception by the Minister
Europe delegation leaded by its president Mr. Lupattelli were received by the Spanish Sports Minister, Mr. J.R. Lete. In this meeting ACES Europe explained the big network of cities awarded not only in Spain but also in Europe (more than 300).
As Portuguese Government is doing, ACES Europe asked to Mr. Lete for a grant agreement to those cities that will be awarded in the futre in order to develop better sport policies in there taking advantage of the award.
Mr. Lete was committed with the labour of ACES Europe and wants to collaborate with the project in the future. ‘We are really happy with the meeting and the Minster who is a men of and from the Sport’ said Mr. Lupattelli at the end of the meeting in where General Secretary, Hugo Alonso, Delegate in Spain, Elias Bendodo, and the Sport Concellor of Malaga, Elisa PĂ©rez, was there too.