ACES Italia and ANCI signed an agreement for the promotion of sport in municipalities
A substantial agreement was signed yesterday between ACES Italia and ANCI (National Association of Italian Communes) in Genoa, for the development of sport culture and sport practice as fundamental values for the individual and the society.
The signatories were represented by the president of ACES Italia, Vincenzo Lupattelli and the vice president of ANCI, Roberto Pella.
The Memorandum of Understanding, which is going to last for five years, aims to spread knowledge and practice of sports activity through the involvement of institutions and the organisation of initiatives aimed at promoting sports culture and sports policies among citizens. Every year the candidate municipalities for the titles of European Capital / City / Town / Community of Sport will be able, also thanks to the support and patronage of ANCI, to prepare their own application dossier and organise joint initiatives during the year.
“Our Association can play a very important role in supporting municipalities for the development of sports culture and sports practice, with the aim of operating in the interest of athletes, citizens and local communities and of the whole sports movement”, said Roberto Pella.
“We renew this Memorandum of Understanding with ANCI: Aces Europe delivers the title of city, municipality, European sports community every year, and we are in Genoa precisely because the city will be the European capital of sport in 2024″, underlined Vincenzo Lupattelli. “With ANCI we will have the opportunity to get in direct contact with the Municipalities and improve the management capacity of the nominations and prizes. National and regional representatives of ANCI will be part of the next evaluation committees to better enhance the sports and social policies active in the territories.”