ACES Europe supports and signed position paper impact COVID-19 crisis on sport sector
ACES Europe is one of the 43 organisations that has signed the position paper on the impact of the COVID-19 crisis on the sport sector.
Sport is an important economic sector in the EU, with a share in the national economies, which is comparable to agriculture, forestry and fisheries combined. The sport industry’s economic and social strengths as a tool to tackle the economic crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic should not be underestimated.
These unique circumstances, beyond all the harm and sadness they bring, are also an opportunity to innovate, to rethink policies and to reassess priorities in the long run.
In these exceptional circumstances it is important to establish quick and adequate support and a clear action plan to mitigate the adverse impacts of the current COVID-19 crisis on the sport sector.
More info in the doc, click the link.