The Netherlands: €30 million will be invested on local sports agreements

In the coming years, 30 million euros will be invested to convert the National Sports Agreement into local sports agreements. In June 2018, Sports Minister Bruno Bruins concluded the national sports agreement with sports, municipalities and civil society organisations and companies. Local sports agreements now have to ensure that within municipalities every Dutch person can exercise for a lifetime.

More concretely, Bruno Bruins said: ‘Sports and exercise is of great value to every Dutch person. For this we need everyone and it is important that sport providers, municipalities and parties from the care, welfare and education sectors put their weight together ‘.

Sports coordinator for every municipality

Every municipality can request 15,000 euros from next week to appoint a sports coordinator. The role of the sports coordinator would be to bring local parties together to come to a local sports agreement.

For those municipalities that already have a sports agreement, the Ministry will approve the allocation of funding for the implementation of the local agreements. After that, every municipality will be able to apply for extra funding to enroll the local agreement – €30 million guaranteed by the Ministry of Sports.


The enthusiasm among municipalities to work with a local sports agreement is great. The expectation is that a local sports agreement will be signed in many municipalities by the end of 2019. Then the sports clubs can work together with, for example, the physiotherapist and the primary school to realize their ambitions in the field of sports and exercise.

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